Yesterday was the last day at BEA 2013 ... and I have to say: it was a blast!
With the help of my Aides *job description: snagging ARCs and heavy lifting*, who are also my big little brother, Devin, and my parents I was able to snag nearly all of the books on my most wanted list and then some. Not to mention, I had good company =)
This was only my third year at BEA and it just ended, but I have to say: I can't wait until next year. BookExpo America is such a great experience with all the new free books, meeting writing ideals and mingling with all sorts of new people. Especially fellow YA book bloggers.
May 30th: Day 1 Highlights 
Before BEA 2013 began I received an email from Lisa Wray over at Harlequin inviting me to the Blogger Breakfast earlier in the morning. Unfortunately, finding parking was unusually difficult so I was to late to make it.
However, I got lucky because I met a nice women who also worked for Harlequin and gave me the ARCs I would have received had I made it to the Blogger Breakfast.
*I received the ARCs in pictured in the flyer

So this year, I color-coded by person (A: Me, D: Devin, etc.) the strategic times and authors to make it easier for everyone to know where they needed to be, what ARC they were getting by which author, and where everyone else was located at the corresponding time. It saved time -- as well as unnecessary headaches -- with spotty connection and texting or calling each other.
Take a look at Bloomsbury Young Reader drops scheduled Tuesday. (And for those of you who don't know what "drops" are, they are when publishers giveaway ARCs, a.k.a. galleys, at their booths by either setting them out for attendees to take or handing them out). I was able to get WILD CARDS by Simone Elkeles, DARK LORD by Jamie Thomson and Sarah J. Maas' CROWN OF MIDNIGHT, even a couple extra copies *wink, wink*

Lauren Kate signing TEARDROP
Veronica Roth signing ALLEGIANCE posters

The line for the Penguin Booth
The Autograph Area
Walter Dean Myers signing A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SCREAM
Alexandra Coutts signing TUMBLE & FALL
Susane Colasanti signing ALL I NEED
Day 1 Lot:Can't wait to crack open the covers of DARE YOU TO written by Katie McGarry (I absolutely love her stuff), TEARDROP by Lauren Kate, UNBREAKABLE by Kami Garcia.
May 31st: Day 2 Highlights
Just as the day before, my second day at BEA was quiet eventful. And I wouldn't have had it any other way. To start the morning off I attended Sourcebooks ARC drop to get LIES YOU WANTED TO HEAR by James Whitfield Thomson. Then I went over to HaperCollins to pick up Katie Cotugno's HOW TO LOVE.

In Booth Signing
9:30am-10:30am -- Marie Lu
10:30am-11:30am -- Richelle Mead
Harlequin Booth 11:30am-12:30pm
Katie McGarry -- DARE YOU TO
Elizabeth Scott -- HEARTBEAT
Amanda Sun -- INK

Autographing Session
10:30am - 11:00am -- Kat Zhang
11:00am-11:30am -- Veronica Rossi
12:30pm-1:30pm -- Lauren Kate
1:00pm-2:00pm -- Kami Garcia
3:00pm-3:30pm -- Susanne Colasanti
Day 2 Lot:
From this lot, the book I am most excited to read is definitely AWAKEN by Meg Cabot.
June 1st: Day 3 HighlightsHere was the agenda for the final day of BookExpo America 2013:

The third and final day of BEA is never as hectic as the first two days so we -- my parents, my brother and I left early -- around 2/3:00 pm. Nonetheless, I still got to meet a few more great authors and snag some awesome books. Sometimes the publishers even give away the ARCs on display, first-come, first-serve.
Harlequin Booth
Katie McGarry -- DARE YOU TO
Elizabeth Scott -- HEARTBEAT
Amanda Sun -- INK
Autographing Session10:00am-11:00am -- Sarah Dessen
11:30-12:00pm -- Cat Patrick
The Autograph Area
Alexandra Bracken signing NEVER FADE

Kate Brian signing HEREAFTER

Gennifer Albin signing ALTERED

Cora Carmack signing FAKING IT
Final Day Lot: The lot we collected for the day with the least events was not bad.
Perhaps I see an abundance of giveaways in the future . . .
Happy Reading!