Monday, October 12, 2015

Review : Immaculate by Katelyn Detweiler

*Warning: This review may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

PublisherViking Books for Young Readers 

Release DateMay 26, 2015
Pages: 464
Source: Own

The Story:

Mina is seventeen. A virgin. And pregnant.
Mina is top of her class, girlfriend to the most ambitious guy in school, able to reason and study her way through anything. But when she suddenly finds herself pregnant—despite having never had sex—her orderly world collapses. Almost nobody believes Mina’s claims of virginity. Her father assumes that her boyfriend is responsible; her boyfriend believes she must have cheated on him. As news of Mina’s story spreads, there are those who brand her a liar. There are those who brand her a heretic. And there are those who believe that miracles are possible—and that Mina’s unborn child could be the greatest miracle of all.
via Amazon


My Review

I am not going to lie but after I finished reading Immaculate I swore it was a 4-star rating. That is until I sat down to write this review.

Tag Line:

She didn't ask for a miracle.

Opening Line:

Whenever I think back to the night at the restaurant, that night changed everything -- and I do mean absolutely everything -- I wonder if I could have done or said anything different, somehow convinced the old woman that she had the wrong girl.


I love the premise of the story so I wasted no time before ordering 
Immaculate on Amazon. One virgin. One baby. One miracle. 

The pacing of the story was just right. Not once while reading did I feel bogged down or rushed. I zoned right through even though it is a mammoth book -- which, let's face it, all bookies love! 

Given the sensitive material, I also appreciated the way Detweiler handled the religious theme. While immaculate conception is a big deal in relation to religion in Immaculate it did not feel overdone -- I did not feel overwhelmed. 

Overall, writing was nicely done and the interesting. However, if there is not a sequel I would be highly disappointed. I would feel cheated by the story because it is so clearly not over. I want to know why Mina's baby is so important, what was the purpose of Mina's story. Having said that, I would definitely read the sequel if there was one.

Character Breakdown:

Mina Deitrich - Mina was a feminine, teenage good girl without being a drag, and annoying. I found myself able to relate to her because she reminded me of myself in high school. Hardworking, life planned out, goal-oriented, always trying to be good and do the right thing.

Jesse Spero - was a adorable, kind and dependable. While I enjoyed meeting his character, I do wish he had a stronger presence -- however, I do understand the was essential Mina's story. 

Gracie Deitrich - Gracie was Mina's little sister ... and by far my favorite character in the story. She was innocent, caring and likable.

"Okay?" I asked, still waiting to take my next breath.
She stepped in closer to me, so close that I could see one small tear slowly rolling down her cheek.
"You're my big sister, Mina, and for you, I'll believe in miracles." - page 126

Here is one of my favorite quotes from 

Mina's mother to Mina: ..."I trust in you. I believe in you. You're my Mina, my baby girl, and I can see right through those amazing blue eyes of yours. I can see exactly what's inside, and I know like only a mother could know for sure that you;re not hiding a thing from me, not a thing. So if you're crazy, then I'm crazy, and we're just going to have to be crazy together, all right?" - page 84

Meet the Author:

Katelyn Detweiler was born and raised in a small town in eastern Pennsylvania, living in a centuries-old farmhouse surrounded by fields and woods. She spent the vast majority of childhood with her nose in a book or creating make-believe worlds with friends, daydreaming about how she could turn those interests into an actual paying career. After graduating from Penn State University with a B.A. in English Literature, emphasis in Creative Writing and Women’s Studies, she packed her bags and made the move to New York City, determined to break into the world of publishing. She worked for two years in the marketing department of Macmillan Children’s Group before moving in 2010 to the agency side of the business at Jill Grinberg Literary, where she is currently a literary agent representing books for all ages and across all genres.

Katelyn lives, works, and writes in Brooklyn, playing with words all day, every day, her dream come true. When she’s not reading or writing, Katelyn enjoys yoga, fancy cocktails, and road trips. She frequently treks back to her hometown in Pennsylvania, a lovely green escape from life in the city, and her favorite place to write.
***Check out Katelyn Detweiler's website for more information about her and ImmaculateHERE

Happy Reading!


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